Pontefract Conservative Club

Our entertainment schedule has always been one of the club's highlights, so we are pleased to able to offer some great acts for you.
Details of upcoming acts will be sent to you via email and also on the club's Facebook page.
Live Acts
Once a month on a Saturday night we host some fantastic live acts from Yorkshire and further afield. We've had some amazing tribute acts, live bands, acoustic players and signers, all covering a wide range of genres from 50's, 60's and 70's, jazz, blues all the way to indie and modern. Always a great atmosphere and night out.
These nights are also open to non-members so everyone is welcome to come to the club for these.

Ladies Who Lunch
On the last Thursday of each month our social committee put on a speaker/educator/entertainer with an afternoon lunch. We've had some amazing speakers, including one of the real Calendar Girls! These are ticketed events and the latest events will be updated via email, on Facebook and on this page.

Quiz Nights
We have two great quizes each month, John Portman's quiz and Sammy's fun quiz including open the box. Will you be our next winner?

Bingo Night & £100 Member Draw
Every Sunday from 19:45 there are 3 houses of Bingo.
There are 2 chance to win £100, the first the Bingo snowball jackpot if you call a house in the required numbers or less. The second, a member's draw where if you are in the club at the time and your name is drawn, you win £100!